Dommage que vous n'ayez pas Java, vous manquez cette applet JavaGO ! / The JavaGO applet would be here if you had Java !

User guide

New button - "n/N"

to start another game with board size, handicap and komi defined in the text fields

Load button

To load a game in SGF (or MGT) format on the Web or on your hard disk. Select game or directory and retype "Load"

Save button

To save a game in SGF format on your hard disk. Select text to be copied to your favorite editor.
And save it with an ".sgf" extension, it is then loadable with JavaGO...

Pass button - "p/P"

Pass. On second pass : scoring, click on dead chains to remove them, reclick on pass to stop scoring

First - "|<"

Go to first move of a game

Previous - "<"

Go one move before in a game

Next - ">" or "w/W"

Go one move ahead in a game

Last - ">|"

Go to last move of a game

To - ">#"

Go to move "n" of a game

X button - "x/X"

Remove controls and coordinates to leave maximum space to th goban

O button - "o/O"

Detach/attach the applet on the page


Move the keyboard cursor, with "shift" pass over the stones

Mail your comments
This applet is freeware, only recommendation,
mail me your remarks on JavaGO.

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