
rare crustaceans of Serbia and Montenegro

Older than Dinosaurs

by: Dragana Miličić





Although small in size, branchiopods are non the less important than other animals. They are a part of our national heritage and we must save them at any cost.

So, look at pond in front of your house. You might spot some of these unusual and rare creatures. Show them to your neighbours, boast to your friends. But, don’t hunt and kill them.

Don’t drain ponds because they might be a treasure which has a very small number of countries in the world. Because, they are our lions, they are our tigers, they are our white bears.

The author thanks to Mrs. Brigita Petrov, PhD for plenty of useful advices,
Mr. Erich Eder, PhD for the animated pictures
and Miss. Jelena Brocic for the help in the English version of the presentation.

If you want to know more about Branchiopods, please visit following specialized web sites: